The Whitefield Center is located in a prime location in the Thomas Square neighborhood. Each day, literally hundreds and hundreds of SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) students walk by its premises. A number of these students are foreign to this country, literally from all over the world, and in the United States for the first time. Whitefield offers an outreach of hospitality to these students that centers around conversation (hence the name CONVO), a meal, introduction to American culture, and the philosophy of George Whitefield.
Like all Whitefield programs, CONVOis strongly relationship based, with many of its volunteers serving as mentors to the students.
If you have an interest either as a CONVO Mentor or know of a SCAD student who could benefit from this service, please contact Brad Linburn at 912-224-1954 or contactthe Whitefield Center directly: or call 912-644-6450.